Call the office (519-426- 0887 or
519-582-1312) to make an appointment with Father Augustine and to sign up for the next Marriage Preparation Class.
Marriage Preparation Course 2024
St. Mary’ s Upper Parish Hall
Friday March 21, 2025: 7:30pm - 9:30pm and Saturday March 22, 2025: 9am - 5pm Cost $85.00 per couple
Contact the office to register.
Place: St. Mary's Parish Centre, 211 Union Street Simcoe
Cost: $85.00 per couple
Co-ordinating Couples:
Particia & Mike Fidler
Gerry & Margaret Hollahan
Courtney & Ian Duckworth
Rosey & Fred Guidolin
April 12, 2024
7:00-9:30 pm - Introduction, our Communication/Negotiation
April 13, 2024
9:00 am - Our Separate Pasts & Personalities, Our Family of Origin
12:00 pm - Lunch (provided)
1:00 pm - Our Sexuality, Our Children, Our Finances, Friends, Work & Leisure Time, Our Spirituality, Evaluation & Wrap Up
5:00 pm - Mass & Blessing of the Engaged Couples (St. Mary's)
Please invite your families to attend this Mass
We ask that you read the Couple's book before the weekend and highlight those areas that you feel merit discussion. PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION PAGES before the weekend. As well, please ask two married couples what has been the greatest source of conflict in their marriage. Looking forward to meeting you!
- Mike & Patricia, Gerry & Margaret, Courtney & Ian, Rosey & Fred
More people in the Church are called to holiness by living the vocation of marriage than say the priesthood or the religious life. And yet we do not often remember that marriage is a sacrament as well as a vocation. The Sacrament of Marriage is the exchange of consent between a man and woman who mutually give and receive one another through the sacrament in service to God, each other, and their children. This is a holy bond in which they are called to live out.
Engaged couples are encouraged to ask themselves whether God is calling them to marriage — to a faithful, permanent, and life-giving relationship that is, in essence, the foundation of the Christian family, or domestic church. You and your spouse become lights of faith to one another and to the family you share. Going to the marriage course is one way in which the church offers the opportunity to consider the role of faith more deeply in forming our relationship as spouse and hopefully as future parents as well. We enter marriage by the grace of God, and we do not leave Him at the altar. When the turbulences and challenges of life come our way and our faith is shaken, our spouse is there to help us find our way.